Thursday, October 27, 2011

TX Immigrant Tuition Assistance Issue

Texas is a fast growing state in population. A lot of immigrants from Mexico are making their way across the boarder. The issue is that when these immigrants go off to college should they receive in-state tuition after leaving in this state for so many years. Well, Gov. Rick Perry signed a bill stating that if illegal immigrants preformed good in high school, meaning no trouble with the law and is knowledgeable enough to take on college courses. Then he or she is allowed lower tuition rates and they can be allowed public funded grants.

Do I agree with this? Well yes I do even though I’m not a Texan. I think that the opportunity of on going education is good for immigrants and its positive reinforcement. Many may see this as a gift given to those who did something wrong, I disagree. I think this will actually help the economy as well as change the minds of the nation and how it looks at the US.

The United States has ways been known as the land of the free and home of the brave. I think we as a nation and individual states should keep that same moto and live it. Giving these immigrants a chance just like any other Texas citizen at lower cost education is a good thing. So that when they graduate they ca get jobs with in the state to help the state grow. There are a lot of Texas youth that after high school they stop looking toward education and they are floating around with nothing else to do or an idea as to gain more education to give back to the community. So if anyone is wanting to make that decision with his or herself, i say let them do it without penalty.

I also think if not already other states should follow Perry's lead on the issue. Hispanics are on a rise in with in the nation as a whole and they will be beneficial to make some wise decisions w hen it comes to benefiting them. Because one day they will be a majority and then they will be the choice makers when it comes to voting and elections etc.

So I say Texas give it a try and just see what good comes out of it. There’s a good chance and receiving a good return from it and if not well just cover down from there. We always seem to bounce back anyways.