Thursday, December 1, 2011

Are Politicans Not Looking Out for the Future???

As I was seaming the Austin Statesman, I discovered the story "Baby boomers' reluctance to reach agreement hurts younger generation". I think this story expresses a lot of what the youth of today and by youth I mean 21 to 35 is feeling when it comes the politics in America today. There are many things that we as the youth look forward to but one in specific is where will we be in the future. Our future is we are going to school for, setting goals and making it happen in our lives now for and it seems like our elders in government, aren't looking out for our good. Theses are the people that we put our trust in to make decisions and lead us in the right way so that when grow old we can look out for the next generation. The editor rights "congressional leaders choosing their ideology over a compromise" when it comes to national debt and thats not looking good for the youth.
This kinda reminds me of a quote that I was once seen by Edmund Burke saying, "Yor represntative owes you, not just his industry only , but his judement and he betrays, instead of serving you, if he scarifices it to your opinion." In other my own words he is saying that Our representative is elected by US, the people, for consider our opinion but keep in mind he knows more than we do when it comes to matters in politics thats why we eleted him. Everyone might havenot gotten who they wanted but the majority did. It's democratic and it's the fairest way to support the majority as a whole.
So when i think deeper about I feel the same as to why the debt deficit is not decreasing. Those are the things that we were promised but thats not what we are seeing happen. On the other hand we have to leave it up to that representative to weigh his options carefully and considerably and pray that he makes the right decisions. He not only has the weight of his constituents but also the other members of hs party and his own view on the subject. So i think this subject is not only a wake up call for the the Republican and Democraic party but for the people of America as well. So the next time you and I go vote it would be very important to do some researching to whom we're choosing to represnet US prior to dropping our ballot in the box.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

TX Immigrant Tuition Assistance Issue

Texas is a fast growing state in population. A lot of immigrants from Mexico are making their way across the boarder. The issue is that when these immigrants go off to college should they receive in-state tuition after leaving in this state for so many years. Well, Gov. Rick Perry signed a bill stating that if illegal immigrants preformed good in high school, meaning no trouble with the law and is knowledgeable enough to take on college courses. Then he or she is allowed lower tuition rates and they can be allowed public funded grants.

Do I agree with this? Well yes I do even though I’m not a Texan. I think that the opportunity of on going education is good for immigrants and its positive reinforcement. Many may see this as a gift given to those who did something wrong, I disagree. I think this will actually help the economy as well as change the minds of the nation and how it looks at the US.

The United States has ways been known as the land of the free and home of the brave. I think we as a nation and individual states should keep that same moto and live it. Giving these immigrants a chance just like any other Texas citizen at lower cost education is a good thing. So that when they graduate they ca get jobs with in the state to help the state grow. There are a lot of Texas youth that after high school they stop looking toward education and they are floating around with nothing else to do or an idea as to gain more education to give back to the community. So if anyone is wanting to make that decision with his or herself, i say let them do it without penalty.

I also think if not already other states should follow Perry's lead on the issue. Hispanics are on a rise in with in the nation as a whole and they will be beneficial to make some wise decisions w hen it comes to benefiting them. Because one day they will be a majority and then they will be the choice makers when it comes to voting and elections etc.

So I say Texas give it a try and just see what good comes out of it. There’s a good chance and receiving a good return from it and if not well just cover down from there. We always seem to bounce back anyways.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Fire Mitigation: The Need for a Plan

     The author of this article 'Fires show need for regional plan', is talking about the need for regional plans when fires caused by droughts occur. A drought is an extended period of time when a specific region lacks water. With a combination of a drought and high temperatures over 100 degrees, grass fires take place. I agree that regional plans are needed, like the article says, due to the fact that there has been well over 150 days of 100 plus degree weather within Austin, TX alone. Bastrop experienced a drought that sparked a grass fire and that fire spread throughout. People of Bastrop were killed and others were displaced because of the fires. The city of Leander experienced the same situation: 11 homes were destroyed and numerous families were displaced. This year alone, over 1,000 homes in Texas have been destroyed due to these hazardous conditions.      Even in suburban areas, homes are being built with no type of coverage from the droughts. For example, these properties are in high demand but there hasn't been any emergency planning for these areas with the fire mitigation; putting these homes in range of a wildfire threat. However, there have been schemes and proposals being put in place to build fire mitigations for homes in situations like these; though these words have not been put into action.
     Governor Rick Perry should make emergency planning and fire mitigation one of his focal points for the state of Texas, not just for political gain, but the sake of the people of Texas. Not just to better Texas, but the nation and it's environment as a whole. By making people aware of the risks and the dangers of not having a plan in place for droughts, we could save numerous amounts of homes, money and lives.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Buchannan's Thoughts On Perry's HPV Vaccination

After reading this article of  "DePinho: Opposing HPV Vaccine "Unethical" in the Texas Tribune, I think everyone women or parent should read this. The article stated that Govenor Rick Perry along with Dr. DePinho, a physican at the Cancer Center in Houston,TX, is enforcing the HPV vaccine. This HPV or human papillomavirus is form of cervical cancer that is common in females. This vaccine is suppose to be taken once when a girl reaches thirdteen to prevent the cancer from appearing. Michele Buchanna, a female Congressman from Minnesota, is oppsing the idea and saying that they vaccine is dangerous and it could possibly cause retardation. With that it is unethical and  parents should have the choice weather they want their children to take this product or not. This information is important and pertient because females and parents need to know these things and I think everyone should have a choice in things that caould affect their life in the long run.