Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Buchannan's Thoughts On Perry's HPV Vaccination

After reading this article of  "DePinho: Opposing HPV Vaccine "Unethical" in the Texas Tribune, I think everyone women or parent should read this. The article stated that Govenor Rick Perry along with Dr. DePinho, a physican at the Cancer Center in Houston,TX, is enforcing the HPV vaccine. This HPV or human papillomavirus is form of cervical cancer that is common in females. This vaccine is suppose to be taken once when a girl reaches thirdteen to prevent the cancer from appearing. Michele Buchanna, a female Congressman from Minnesota, is oppsing the idea and saying that they vaccine is dangerous and it could possibly cause retardation. With that it is unethical and  parents should have the choice weather they want their children to take this product or not. This information is important and pertient because females and parents need to know these things and I think everyone should have a choice in things that caould affect their life in the long run.

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